Friday, January 30, 2009

I found a way to make a stencil with my cricut using my psp11 program.
The problem with the cricut is there is no way to bridge the lettering. So what needs to be done is erase small parts on the letters as seen in the picture next to this, that will keep the plastic in the part of the letter so you can paint the stencil and not get the paint in the inside of the O,B,D,P,R,Q, and so on. I also add a very small border on the edge of my project. Then save project as a Bitmap. Then you can importthe project into Inkscape and then save them as a .svg.
The last thing to do is import project into Sure cut alot and resize and then cut...
The main thing I will be doing with my Cricut is cutting out stencils. The picture is on the right for you to see what I was talking about. I cut out this stencil with Plaid Stencil Decor which is a thinner Mylar than some of the other stencil material. I cut the stencil with the pressure on 3 with just one cut it came out pretty nice it was not supper smooth but not bad for what I need. I hope this information helps some one else. Have a great day! I cut another stencil and cut with the pressure on 4 and the cut was a lot smoother.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

I have had my Cricut for a week now. And so far I have made nothing. LOL but I have finally have it hooked up to my computer so I can use any font with the Inkscape software and the Sure Cuts Alot. I bought the ZooBalloo cartage, it is so cute. I am going to have a new Granddaughter soon so I hope to make her some special scrapbook pages with it.